I was impressed by how differently some of us viewed the pieces from last night (the 28th of Nov) in suggesting what might be done to make things better. And yet, it seemed we all were able to accept those different viewpoints and move right along. I think we should give ourself a pat on the back. Or perhaps we only confused our fellow writers (one of whom had a midnight publication deadline.) What you say you, fellow writers?
I will look forward to seeing what Jeanne finally decided to post on her blog.
Mary Ann
Henrietta’s presents a Gingerbread Castle
2 months ago
Sorry about deleting comment - I wanted to see what happened. Now I know! Here is the original comment.
It was interesting that two readers asked for specific input and this generated most of the discussion. I think it directed everyone to a single topic that elicited multiple points of view on the question raised.
Generally I am not in favor of requesting specific input for the reason stated in the post. I prefer that each reader finds the two things that work and two that can be improved (for them personally). We get a broader range of input that way.
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